Syngonium – Pink


Ornamental foliage indoor plant with heart shaped pink leaves, which is one among the best air purifying plants, fits both on your table top and on floor planters.


Plant Size       – 12 plus leaves
Pot size            – 4 inches diameter, 3 inches height
Potting Mix   – Red Soil + Cocopeat + vermicompost


Olive Green
Ceramic Pot
Fibre Pot-Y
Fibre Pot-B
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Plantxo Promise

One Day Delivery in Bangalore.
Easy return within 15 days.
Finest Quality plant carefully delivered.


Care Instructions


Syngoniums will manage in light shade, but will grow best somewhere that’s bright but out of the harsh glare of direct sun.


Syngonium likes lightly moist soil, so water only when the top two inches of soil feel dry


Feeding Syngonium once in 2 weeks is preferred. Always do it very lightly.